Innovative Pedagogies

The foremost aim of GLS University is to create an excellent and most innovative learning platform by adopting various knowledge imparting methodologies

Holistic Education Model for GLS University

The holistic educational model of GLS University provides a 360⁰ learning model with flexible learning. With innovative and IT empowered teaching methods, the students can learn maximum in minimum time with conceptual clarity. The design--->deliver--->development model is followed by the University to enhance the knowledge transfer process.

Design ---> Deliver ---> Development Model


Innovations in Education

In the modern world of education, the learning methods should be even more focused to make education really contemporary and relevant to the current context. At GLS University, the teaching Pedagogies are carefully designed to address the needs of a modern education system.


Student Support and Mentorship

Depending upon the student's capabilities to excel in academic and non-academic matters, the student will be provided mentorship, customised as per requirements. The student would be categorised in one of the three categories given below and will be provided mentorship support.
